We hope to provide our users with safe, reliable and efficient gun care products.
Stories about gun violence and accidents are routinely in the news. In the United States, about one-third of families with children younger than 12 years of age have a gun at home. Even if you do not own a gun, you probably know someone who does. Before your children visit another home, ask the adults if there is a gun in the house. This includes the homes of friends, relatives, or even a babysitter. If they do have a gun in the house, ask whether it is unloaded and properly locked away. This may feel like an awkward conversation, but it’s important to put your child’s safety first. If you have a gun in your home, be sure to educate your children. Take all precautions. Talk to your children often about what to do if they find a gun, even if they are not sure whether it is real or a toy. Teach them to remember these words and actions if they see a gun: Stop! Don’t touch! Go away! Tell an adult! Be sure your children know that it is very important to leave the area where the gun is so that they won’t be hurt accidentally by someone else. Tell them that there is a safe way to use guns, but it demands a trusted adult be with them.Path to improved well being
Children are curious and like to explore. If there is a gun in your home, simply hiding it is not enough. Keep it: unloaded locked away The bullets should be locked away in a separate location. Only responsible adults should have access to the keys. The gun and bullets should be stored out of reach of your children and their friends. Also, keep the gun and bullets safe from family members who: Are actively and seriously depressed. Are abusive to others. Who abuse drugs (including alcohol). Who have Alzheimer’s disease. When you are handling or cleaning a gun, assume that it is loaded. Never leave it unattended. Children who play violent video games or watch violent TV shows and movies may have trouble understanding that violence in real life actually hurts people. Some parents choose not to allow their children to watch violent TV shows, play violent video games, or play with toys that are pretend weapons. This is a personal choice. It is important to talk to your children often about the difference between real violence and violence on TV and in games and movies. Even if you don’t allow your children to have toy guns, their friends may have them. Explain to your children that in real life, guns can hurt and kill people. Research has shown that guns are used in a staggering number of teen suicides. Having a gun in the home increases the risk for teen suicide. Teens who are angry or depressed are more likely to kill or harm themselves if they can easily get a gun. Also, teens often act without thinking first. It’s best not to have a gun in your home at all if someone who lives there is depressed, troubled, or thinking of suicide. Easy access to guns at home also contributes to school and community violence. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Youth Risk Behavior Survey: Nearly 9% of high school students had been in a physical fight on school property one or more times during the 12 months before the survey. About 6% of students had been threatened or injured with a weapon (gun, knife, or club) on school property one or more times during the 12 months before the survey. About 7% of students had not gone to school at lease 1 day during the 30 days before the survey because they felt they would be unsafe at school or on their way to or from school. About 1 out of 5 teens have depression at some point in their lives, according to the National Institutes of Health. How can you know if your teenager is seriously depressed? Look for changes in your teen’s attitude, schedule, and circle of friends. If your teen seems more tired, is withdrawing from friends, and is often irritable, it could be depression. If you are worried, take your teen to see his or her doctor. The doctor can rule out any medical problems. He or she can also refer you to a counselor or psychologist, if needed. What if my son or daughter is the product of a split household (divorce) and the co-parenting is not amicable? How do I enforce gun safety in the other house? Do I really need to hide my gun? Why can’t I just instruct my child not to go near it? Wouldn’t teaching my child how to safely handle a gun be better than hiding it and hoping my child doesn’t find it? How old should my children be before I can stop hiding my guns?What should I do to protect my family from injury if I own a gun?
What about toy guns and guns in video games, TV shows, or movies?
Things to consider
When to see a doctor
Questions to ask your doctor
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